The 10 Children of
Conrad George [Konrad Georg] Reifel, Sr.,
& Louisa Charlotte Sommer Koerner
Charles George Reifel
Emma Louise Reifel
Caroline Christine Reifel
William Jacob Reifel
Conrad G. Reifel, Jr.
Jacob August Reifel
August Jacob Reifel
Louis Herman Reifel
Herman Theodore Reifel
Louisa Antonette Reifel
By Charles W. Niehaus, 1982
Charles George [Karl Georg] Reifel, born April 24, 1865, died December 3, 1927
On October 24, 1888, married Elizabeth Sophia Strasburger,
born December 26, 1870, died September 23, 1950
Read two narrative histories concerning Charles G. Reifel and his family.
Emma Louise Reifel, born September 9, 1867* [not November 25, 1866], died August 8, 1937
About 1893 married John Philip Becky, born October 19, 1858, died November 21, 1936
Emma Reifel, the second child born to Conrad and Louisa Reifel, must have been a cultured woman. She wrote many poems. About 1893 she married John Philip Becky when she was 27 years of age. Emma and John had two girls and one boy. She died in 1937.
Note: We would like to publish one or more of her poems. If you have a favorite, please send it to: Webmaster, Reifel Website.
*Based on birth record at the Peppertown German Lutheran Church
Caroline Christine Reifel, born December 25, 1868, died May 17, 1958, remained single
Caroline Reifel lived to be 89 years old, but never married. She stayed at home to do housekeeping. At home she played an important role in supplementing the education of her younger brother, August (especially) and other brothers and sister as well, in their early childhood education. The undoubtedly proved to be a big advantage to them in furthering their later education, and inspired several to go into the teaching profession.
William Jacob Reifel, born November 23, 1870, died circa 1960
Married first wife, Addie _______, born ______, died ________
Married second wife, ____________, born ______, died ________
William Reifel, the second son born to Conrad and Louisa, did not farm. He entered into the business world and made a good living at it. He was manager of the carpet department at Block's, a large department store in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. William and his first wife, Addie ________, had no children. In their adult years they lived in Cleveland, Ohio, then in Indianapolis, Indiana, and then later retired to live in California. After Addie died, William remarried. Our family heritage remembers him as a "self-made man, gentle and soft-spoken.
Conrad Jr.
Conrad Georg Reifel Jr., born March 6, 1873, died March 12, 1873
Conrad G. Reifel Jr. died just six days after his birth in Peppertown, Indiana, in 1873.
Jacob August Reifel, born March 2, 1874, died March 10, 1874 [or March 11, 1974*]
Jacob August Reifel died just eight days after his birth in Peppertown, Indiana, in 1874.
*Based on birth record at the Peppertown German Lutheran Church
August Jacob Reifel, born February 22, 1875, died October 5, 1954
On December 25, 1902, married Lenore Jaques, born March 23, 1874, died February 26, 1956
Read two narrative histories concerning August J. Reifel and his family.
Louis Herman Reifel, born June 16, 1877, died May 2, 1965
On February 19, 1906, married Jennie Mary Schmidt, born June 16, 1884, died March 28, 1968
Louis and Jennie Reifel had six sons: Charles (died in infancy), Arthur, Louis, Conrad, Sylvester, and Joseph. Louis Reifel was born and educated in Peppertown, Franklin County, Indiana. He worked there on the family farm and in a country store before moving farther north, eventually settling in the Benton County area of Indiana where he farmed. This area is predominantly Catholic and he converted to the Catholic faith. He met and married Jennie Schmidt when he was 29.
With the dream of owning his own farm, Louis took his wife and four young sons and moved to an area near Marshall, Minnesota, where the land was cheaper. They bought a farm and lived there for five years.
At the end of five years, Louis sold his farm on contract to a nephew, Jay Molter, then returned again to the rich soil of Benton County, Indiana. They settled again in the Earl Park area. Louis put a down-payment on a farm, intending that the payment from his nephew for the Minnesota farm would pay for this farm in Benton County. But then the Great Depression hit. Louis's nephew could no longer make his payment which forced Louis to lose all that he had saved up to this time. Joseph, Louis and Jennie's youngest son, was born after the move back from Minnesota.
Louis stood over 6 feet tall and was a slim and stately looking man. He and his wife were both deeply religious people and their home was a happy one with a special pride in their five surviving sons. Louis's health forced him into an early retirement but he and his wife lived a happy life and enjoyed their ever-growing family. They lived to see quite a number of children and grandchildren born, and their home was always a popular place to visit. Louis loved the little children and even into his 80's he would place his lean, lanky frame on the floor so he could get down to their level and not tower over them. A good and gentle man!
Herman Theodore Reifel, born January 19, 1880, still alive in 1982, at the age of 102
On January 19, 1910, married Emma Maythorne Hebert, born April 11, 1885, died April 21, 1966
Herman Reifel was born in 1880 in rural Peppertown. He discovered that farming was not to his liking as he went on for further education. After grade school, family tradition has it that he went on directly to engineering studies at Purdue University where he received his doctorate in engineering studies in 1907 (at the age of 27). Judging from the 13 years it took him to finish the degree, and knowing the responsible positions that his jobs led him to take on, we can imagine that Herman had to interrupt his studies frequently to go to work to earn a living so he could return to his studies. In 1910 at age 30 he married Emma Maythorne Hebert. They had 2 sons and 1 daughter.
From 1908 to 1913, Herman worked at the Oliver Iron Mining Company at Mountain Iron, Minnesota. From 1913 to 1922 he served as mine superintendent for the Hanna Mining Company in Nashwauk, Minnesota. For 8 of the 9 years, he also served as the Mayor of Nashwauk. From 1922 to 1949 he worked as "Range Division Engineer" for a company that oversaw the amalgamation of several small utility companies. In 1940 he retired at the age of 69. His wife Emma died in 1966, but Herman continues to live now (in 1982) at 102 years, residing in the Masonic Lodge in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Louisa Antonette Reifel, born January 28, 1882, died March 13, 1967
On August 1, 1907, married Wallace George Hyde, born October 17, 1878, died July 3, 1955
Louisa Reifel was the youngest of Conrad and Louisa's children. Like several of her brothers, she was a teacher in the schools of Franklin County, Indiana. When she was 25, she married Wallace Hyde in 1907. Wallace had been previously married to __________ and had one daughter, Bernice. Louisa and Wallace had two daughters and one son (Bessie, Vera and Neil). She died in 1967 at the age of 85.
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